Archive for ‘Poems’

July 15, 2011

After the rain has stopped.

I love the air after the rain has stopped,

Integrating with the night, when the last seep has dropped.

Amongst the headlights, the dark seems clear,

Crystal puddles on the ground, differing far and near.

A cold breath presents itself, slowly unravelling before my eyes,

The world is silent, no laughter, and no cries.

Just a moment in time, all has no motion,

I’m in awe and living, no ulterior notion.

July 13, 2011

Glowing Grace.

Dance, dance, like a firefly at night,

moving feet gently, elegance just right.

Fix your eyes on me,

I’m where you want me to be.

A storm ahead cannot stop your grace,

I’m the seeds of love, tight in your warm embrace.

I’m moving with you, a vivid warmth with each beat,

glowing as I smile, this dance is love, with it you can’t compete.

June 23, 2011


The storm outside, it grows

And I sit here, alone.

Our child is softly dreaming,

And inside I am screaming.

Rain beats down hard on the window panes,

A moment’s silence, I worry about you again.


Out at sea, amongst the waves,

Danger is taunting from inside caves.

A billion currents dividing you from me,

A duty to be upheld, so I set you free.


Your letter, it arrived today,

You won a battle, all is ok.

But there are still troubles out at sea,

It will be some time before you can come home to me.

Signed by ‘your faithful lover,’

I’m following the footsteps of my mother.


My dad he too went to fight,

But within the next few days, his ship sailed out of sight.

For years, mother dear sat and waited,

To hear the news, his fragile life was fated.

She warned me every day about strenuous love,

But love presented itself to me on the wings of a dove.


Nothing more peaceful than a harmonious song,

One bellowing bell and then you were gone.

Our baby she asks about where you are,

I tell her your heroicness has sent you far.

She’s growing up fast, yes it’s true,

Every day she looks more like you.


You came back home yesterday night,

You ran towards me, such a beautiful sight.

Holding me tightly in your arm,

You’re safe at home, away from harm.


Alarm bells roar out, followed by the suns beam,

I wake to find it was all a dream.

An empty bed and a swift tear.

I’m without you, I wish you were here.

I may have to wait such a long while,

But till we meet again, I need to learn how to smile.


March 27, 2011

Limpet Lover.

You smiled through the glass at me,

Your eyes wide with energy,

I don’t know how to tell you,

Please stop watching me.

Stuck to my window, glued by your shell,

All this time, my love’s been your trail.

You’re fixation it grows,

Yet you insist you must stay,

I feel it’s not right to send you away.

Day and night, you do not leave,

My life through your eyes is what you perceive.

You’re always here, always will be,

Clinging by an unseen thread, hooked inside me

You admire me, like no other,

Staring intensely, my limpet lover.


February 11, 2011

Words like petals

Words like petals, fall gently.

Like a rose in my mind, it spreads like love,

like an embrace it hauls me in.

Words forever flowing, a new entity created.



February 10, 2011

Sky Scraper.

To see your face, will make me smile,

For you, I’ll wait forever and a while.

Your words make my world dance,

Spinning round, resembling trance.

But you only now see one side of me,

The person that I am learning to be.

I can be patient; to wait is not bad,

But I want to enhance our love, the chance I have not had.

Improving myself for when it is right,

Like a beaming spark, you’ll be in sight.

Days they seep slowly through a sieve,

I guess it’s tranquillity that I have to give.

I raise my hope, like a sky scraper, standing so tall,

Then like disillusion, down it falls.

But I shall climb the ladder once more,

Keep smiling through till the core.




January 30, 2011

Let me dream

I’ll listen to the angels call,

as into a deep sleep I will fall.

I’ll hear the flutter of butterfly wings,

and a beautiful echo as my soul sings.

Let me dream a dream of peace, even if it’s only small.

Perhaps a new hope, which could liberate us all.



January 30, 2011

Purpose – We all have one.

I heard your voice in my dreams once,

it still haunts me till this day,

I watch the glittery raindrops fall,

when you’re half a world away.

Every time I make a choice,

whenever I make a plan,

tell me the words you wrote to me,

written in the earth’s sands.

Buried deep under covers of life’s mere entity,

A message for every one,

from now, throughout eternity.

There’s a purpose for us all,

that’s what we need to find,

one moment to define us all,

A strong, beautiful mind.


January 30, 2011

Galactic Buoyancy

Through the milliseconds of time,

I regard my life.

Behind me it all fades to black,

But I can’t look back on this clear-cut track.

Floating away from all I know,

This one time, I’ll let youth glow.

To a place where my conscience can be at ease,

I’m travelling past jealousy, hate and their venomous seas.

Here, I will wait, if you decide to find me,

Look for me; I’m not hard to see.

Drifting slowly through eternity,

Floating forever, liberally.

Am I dead or alive?

All I know is my spirit’s survived.

And while the past burns away,

I’m embracing tranquillity, forever this way.


January 30, 2011

To hear your voice

To hear your voice,
would cause a butterfly to flap it’s wings, to then spread joy across the world.
A shooting star would travel through the sky, bringing hope as many wish upon it.
A raindrop settling softly on the petal of a rose, causing the perfect picture.
The stars would shine brighter, informing us of other worlds, galaxies that we would never know.
Warmth through my veins,
To hear your voice,
would allow my heart to beat once more.
